Supporting emotional growth, well-being and good communication 


Our goals

We are two Clinical Psychologists with the shared goals of supporting emotional growth, well-being, and good communication. 

With over 25 years of clinical work experience, we both came to realise that good listening is a foundational skill in healthy relationships, emotional healing, and human flourishing. In the noisy world of today, it can be hard to truly listen, and to know what to listen to. In the School of Good Listening we aim to hone this skill and its many different uses.
  • Listening to ourselves

Through paying close attention to our thoughts, our feelings, and our bodies, we can learn a lot about what aspects of our experience are within our control and open to change. Through listening to ourselves regularly, we build new awareness that naturally effects further change. We gradually become more grounded, calm, and clear-headed when faced with difficult situations and apply wisdom in choosing our responses.  

  • Listening to others

Learning to tune in to what our friends, partners or children are expressing, beyond their words and obvious behaviours, allows us to understand them more deeply and strengthens our connection with them. Modeling good listening has far-reaching effects. It can lead others to become better at listening to the needs of others. 

  • Listening to our context

By noting the far reaching influences of the environments we live in as well as our emotional and cultural heritage, we can better identify what helps and hinders us. We can map out resources and know where to find support when things get difficult.  

What we offer:

Parenting Groups

We offer group trainings that teach effective parenting techniques, expand self-awareness, and promote more positive interpersonal connections.    

This curriculum consists of four 2.5 hour sessions. The group is offered in an attractive conference room that can accommodate up to 15 parents.

Topics include brain development and its impact on behaviour, recognising nervous systems states and how to regulate them, the art of truly listening and being present, insights into your life story and how it affects your parenting, useful knowledge and resources on child and adolescent mental health..

Find out more here.

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